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Vir Biotechnology Inc (NASDAQ: VIR) could be a home run (50x atleast from here)

By | April 11, 2022 | Earn Money, Investment Products, Stock Market Ideas, Technology | 0 comments

Credit: vir.bio

The company Vir Biotechnology Inc. may be a home run hit.  This company as of right now is being valued at 5 times earnings (P/E of 5).  It is true that its coronavirus has been pulled momentarily but at a higher dose may get reapproved.  When the drug was approved in the last quarter of 2021 the company made revenue of $812 million and after tax profit (net income) of $525 million USD.  Right now the company is being valued at $2.88 billion USD.  Vir Biotechnology is backed by Bill Gates, one of the richest men in the world.

If the company makes $500 million USD a quarter for 4 quarters, the P/E ratio (valuation of the company) will be less than 2 ($500 million x 4 quarters x 2 years = $4 billion USD, a higher valuation than the company right now.  The company also has $708 million USD in cash and only $133 million USD in debt.

The company is in phase 2 trials for a Hepatitis B treatment that may cure the disease.  Furthermore, it is in phase 1 trials for a treatment for Influenza A (the flu) as well as in phase 1 trials for a treatment for HIV.

Vir Biotechnology Inc symbol on the NASDAQ is VIR.

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