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Nutrien the Canadian Potash Fertilizer Company that may save the Middle East from Starvation

By | March 12, 2022 | Earn Money, Investment Products, News, Stock Market Ideas, Technology | 0 comments


Sadly due to the present circumstances in Europe.  The war in Ukraine may cause a global shortage of Fertilizer.  This idea is the result of a ban of fertilizer sales from Russia.  The third largest potash seller, Belarus, is having problems getting their potash to the market.  Potash is a fertilizer used to get higher yields from farmland.   Furthermore, Ukraine farmers may sow not as many acres of land as they are fighting the Russian army in their country.  Ukraine is known as the bread basket of Europe, they produce a lot of crops.  If the world does not have the fertilizer and amount of crops normally sowed the world could experience a food crisis by the summer time, July/August.

If the above happens some parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East may have mass starvation.  This could cause regime changes around the world.  Sadly, people may die from starvation or civil war.

Lets hope in a fast fashion either Ukraine goes into peace talks and peace is settled, Russia wins the war, or NATO wins the world.

Due to the above circumstances Nutrien, a Canadian fertilizer (Potash) company, may profit from this horrible reality.  Nutrien is one of the largest fertilizer companies in the World, and Canada is the largest Potash producer in the world.  As a result, Nutrien may be a very good investment.

If you would like to find some news, or economic and financial and analysis about Nutrien, you can go to this article on BNN Bloomberg.

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